The 5-year initiative (with an expected 5-year extension) will select 15 high potential scaleup companies per year (150 over 10 years) to participate in a proven 36-month education, coaching, and technology-supported process to address four key aspects of scaling a business:

Once a year, an organization’s CEO and its senior team come to “campus” with 14 other executive teams for three days of intensive learning and sharing led by top business thought leaders in the fields of growth, leadership, sales, marketing, hiring, negotiations, international expansion, execution, and financing/cash management.
In addition, the on-campus programs are designed to build connections between the growth firms, through interactive activities, so they are in a position to support each other. “It’s OK to be independent, but no reason to be alone” is a common motto for the program. The participants will choose “peer coaches” to support their disciplines between the annual gatherings. And the friendly peer pressure and sense the “we’re not the only ones facing these issues” creates the right environment for peak performance.
The on-campus program is based on the proven design of EO’s EMP and the Scaling Up workshops (info in Appendix) Verne has been leading for years for YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization). They both have excellent and proven track records of impact and results for mid-market growth firms.
Each quarter during the 36-month program, a local certified Gazelles coaching partner is sent to the organization to facilitate/update a 90-day plan and provide valuable training to the rest of the company/middle managers in order to assist with and measure the growth initiatives. These sessions are scheduled at the companies' convenience and provide the necessary follow-up to ensure progress on implementing the ideas introduced in the annual on-campus programs.
Not only will this coaching concentrate on keeping the momentum going within the organization, it will also ensure that the business education that comes from Scaling Up is embedded across the entire company. “No one has ever achieved peak performance without a coach” is the motto for this aspect of the initiative.
Each of the companies will use the online cloud-based dashboard called Align to track progress on cascading priorities and metrics throughout the company. Align is a reliable method for keeping everyone focused on the highest priority activities. In addition, each company will utilize the online Growth Institute (video learning from experts) to provide ongoing education (one-hour per month per employee) for the entire firm.
Another resource will be ongoing webinars that feature relevant topics to support the Scaling Up initiative that will be available only to companies in the program.
For Reference:
Gazelles Growth Institute - http://growthinstitute.com/
Align Today - https://aligntoday.com/
Better Book Club - http://www.betterbookclub.com/
The three expected outcomes and benefits to each city/region include:
1. Putting one of the selected firms on a strong trajectory to $1 billion in revenue – adding an important anchor firm to the city and broader business community.
2. Helping five to 10 companies scale and then exit for a combined $1 billion to $3 billion – adding significant wealth to the community.
3. Assisting 70% - 80% of the remaining 140 firms to increase their size 3x to 10x
Costs, Application Information
Investment: The investment is $5,000 per month per company, led by a hands-on CEO and the company’s executive team. The amount includes the three three-day learning sessions, training, quarterly coaching, quarterly forum meetings and access to the technology resources. The investment is for the entire firm, not simply for a single executive.
Applications: Applications are now being accepted and an application form may be obtained by contacting Jim Jubelirer or Randy Nelson as indicated below.
For additional information, interested companies can contact Jim Jubelirer at (919) 969-7818 or Randy Nelson at (919) 333-7530